Luceda Photonics

Company details

Company name Luceda Photonics
Company type Micro Enterprise (less than 10 employees and revenues less than 2 MEUR)
Industry sector Photonics General
Activity description

Luceda Photonics is a spin-off company from imec, the photonics group of the UGent and the VUB which was founded in 2014. Luceda Photonics’ tools and services are rooted in over 50 years of experience in photonic integrated circuit (PIC) design. The team’s expertise in the development of process design kits (PDK) and the design and validation of photonic integrated circuits is used by several research institutes and industrial R&D teams worldwide. The company’s mission is to enable photonic IC engineers to enjoy the same first-time-right design experience as electronic IC designers.

Project information

Project Phase Contract Phase
Technology platform TP-5: Silicon-based Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) or Chips
Application domain Information & Communication
Project scope

Design and testing of high-speed silicon photonic modulator and modulator drivers.

Project leader Callum Littlejohns
Project start May 2019
Project duration 12 months