Cailabs SARL

Company details

Company name Cailabs SARL
Company type Small Enterprise (less than 50 employees and revenues less than 10 MEUR)
Industry sector Photonics General
Activity description

Cailabs is a French deep tech company, based in Rennes, which designs, produces and sells photonic solutions to fully exploit the industrial potential opened up by the shaping of light. Cailabs develops and produces a unique range of optical components based on its know-how and its patented technological innovations, in particular Multi-Plane Light Conversion (MPLC). Cailabs has raised 16.6 million euros from a mix of venture capitalists and the French government since forming in 2013.

Project information

Technology platform TP-7: Si3N4 and SiO2 passive waveguide technologies
Application domain Information & Communication
Project scope

Reflectivity measurements of dielectric mirrors with very high accuracy suitable for industrial use.

ACTPHAST Partners TU/e
Project leader Katarzyna Lawniczuk
Project start December 2019
Project duration 3 months