Data Cycle Management B.V.

Company details

Company name Data Cycle Management B.V.
Company type Large-Scale Company (250 or more employees or revenues greater than 50 MEUR)
Industry sector Telecom and ICT
Activity description

Data Cycle Management is engaged in IT development in the field of data processing infrastructures, focusing on transferring data at low latency. The company, which was founded in 2016, now uses certain technology for data processing where the incoming signal is to be converted from the optical domain to the electrical domain.

Project information

Technology platform TP-5: Silicon-based Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) or Chips
Application domain Information & Communication
Project scope

To assess the capabilities of integrated photonics to reduce latency from the critical loop by moving logic into the optical domain, leading to a proposal for integrated photonic circuits which can perform meaningful optical operations and communicate with the necessary electronic components of the company’s current system.

Project leader Mattias Verstuyft (IMEC)
Project start June 2022
Project duration 8 months