Eaglet Eye nv

Company details

Company name Eaglet Eye nv
Company type Micro Enterprise (less than 10 employees and revenues less than 2 MEUR)
Industry sector Medical
Activity description

Eaglet Eye develops innovative medical devices for ophthalmology and has recently developed its first device, the ESP (Eye Surface Profiler). With this high-tech eye-measuring instrument, one is able to examine the eye, allowing for faster, easier, and more precise measurements for contact lenses.

Company website https://eaglet-eye.com/

Project information

Technology platform TP-1: Free-space photonic components and systems
Application domain Biomedical
Project scope

Tailored stock lens design for seamless integration with the company’s existing Eye-Surface-Profiler (ESP) device for realistic rendering of the human eye for Virtual Reality applications. Implementation of the custom lens design following a successful feasibility study through the first ACTPHAST 4.0 innovation project.

Project leader Fabian Duerr
Project start October 2019
Project duration 2 months