Company details

Company name ERIKS NV
Company type Large-Scale Company (250 or more employees or revenues greater than 50 MEUR)
Industry sector Production Technology
Activity description

Founded in 1956, ERIKS is now an international industrial service provider and multi-product specialist offering a wide range of high-quality mechanical engineering components and associated technical and logistics services. ERIKS currently has branches in 20 countries, with a strong position in Western Europe, the United States and a presence in South-east Asia. The 8,000 skilled people worldwide serve customers in their original equipment manufacturing (OEM) or maintenance, repair and overhaul operations (MRO).

Company website

Project information

Technology platform TP-2: Glass and Polymer Speciality Fibers & Fiber Devices
Application domain Industry 4.0
Project scope

Measurement of seating stress in flange gaskets for application in the petrochemical sector in particular (Feasibility Phase).

Project leader Thomas Geernaert
Project start June 2018
Project duration 5 months