Fluence Sp. z o.o.

Company details

Company name Fluence Sp. z o.o.
Company type Small Enterprise (less than 50 employees and revenues less than 10 MEUR)
Industry sector Photonics General
Activity description

Fluence sp. z o.o. is a private limited company founded in 2016 to commercialize the cutting-edge all-fiber femtosecond technology developed in Polish academic institutions. The company was established by four experts, each one specializing in their own complementary area, but all of them sharing the same passion for technology and willingness to develop unique ultrafast systems that would be robust, stable and frustration-free.

Company website https://fluence.technology/

Project information

Technology platform TP-2: Glass and Polymer Speciality Fibers & Fiber Devices
Application domain Information & Communication
Project scope

The development of a novel fiber delivery Ssystem for ultrafast lasers capable of delivering 1030nm pulses and 515nm pulses over one fiber to the working area in laser micro-machining systems.

Project leader Ignac Bugar
Project start March 2020
Project duration 6 months