HOP Ubiquitous S.L.

Company details

Company name HOP Ubiquitous S.L.
Company type Small Enterprise (less than 50 employees and revenues less than 10 MEUR)
Industry sector Environment
Activity description

Founded in 2013, HOP Ubiquitous (HOPU) is an innovation leader in Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. HOPU was established to make a difference in the use of the Internet of Things through more human oriented products. For this purpose, HOPU has built on its expertise in ubiquitous / global connectivity to the Internet offering innovative low power modules with M2M/IoT/LP-WAN, scalable management  to facilitate large scale deployments, maintenance and monitoring, and finally ad-hoc sensors for different markets.

Company website https://hopu.eu/

Project information

Technology platform TP-1: Free-space photonic components and systems
Application domain Smart Cities & Smart Living
Project scope

The aim of the innovation project is the design, manufacture and characterization of a new particle laser sensor that works in the infrared for the detection by photodiodes of the light diffraction associated with nanometric and micrometer dust particles.

Project leader Peter Harmsma
Project start March 2020
Project duration 5 months