Insplorion AB

Company details

Company name Insplorion AB
Company type Micro Enterprise (less than 10 employees and revenues less than 2 MEUR)
Industry sector Photonics General
Activity description

Founded in 2010, Insplorion AB has developed a patented disruptive sensor platform based on NanoPlasmonic Sensing (NPS) technology, and operates within three application fields: battery sensors for electric vehicles, air quality sensors for environmental quality of life, and research instruments. Insplorion is a Gothenburg-based company, listed on Spotlight Stock Market in Sweden since 2015.

Project information

Technology platform TP-2: Glass and Polymer Speciality Fibers & Fiber Devices
Application domain Connected Mobility
Project scope

Design and development of an innovative air quality sensor.

Project leader Andrea Ceglia
Project start March 2018
Project duration 2 months