New Generation Sensors srl

Company details

Company name New Generation Sensors srl
Company type Micro Enterprise (less than 10 employees and revenues less than 2 MEUR)
Industry sector Telecom and ICT
Activity description

New Generation Sensors provides a complete Internet of Things solutions from the field to the Cloud. Founded in 2015, the company is a recognized spin-off company of the National Inter-university Consortium of Telecommunication – National Laboratory of Photonic Networks (CNIT).

Company website

Project information

Technology platform TP-1: Free-space photonic components and systems
Application domain Biomedical
Project scope

Development of a compact, low power, low cost device/system based on directional infra-red (LED-based) link for detecting position and ID of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – relevant for the fight against COVID-19.

Project leader Dr. Thomas Kämpfe
Project start June 2020
Project duration 9 months