Optimum nv

Company details

Company name Optimum nv
Company type Medium Enterprise (less than 250 employees and revenues less than 50 MEUR)
Industry sector Production Technology
Activity description

Optimum Sorting is specialized in optical inspection and sorting systems for the food industry, with a focus on all kinds of food products such as potatoes, French fries, carrots , sweets and seafood like crustaceans and shellfish. In addition, the systems are also used for some non-food applications, such as the optical inspection of tobacco products and plastics. Today, the group has 70 employees spread across branches in Eindhoven (NL), Hasselt (BE) and Denver (USA). Development and production take place in Hasselt and Eindhoven.

Project information

Technology platform TP-1: Free-space photonic components and systems
Application domain Agrifood
Project scope

This innovation project targets to improve the nut sorting performance of the company’s laser-based sorting machines by investigating the optical spectroscopic sensing of defects in a stream of nuts, and the integration of these sensing techniques in their optical platform, leading to the next generation of nut sorting machines.

Project leader Lien Smeesters
Project start December 2019
Project duration 7 months