PhoeniX Software

Company details

Company name PhoeniX Software BV
Company type Small Enterprise (less than 50 employees and revenues less than 10 MEUR)
Industry sector Telecom and ICT
Activity description

PhoeniX Software is an independent high-tech company developing, supplying and supporting world class software solutions for micro and nano technology corporations and institutes

Project information

Project Phase Contract Phase
Technology platform TP-5: Silicon-based Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) or Chips
Application domain Information & Communication
Project scope

PDK preparation for Optodesigner (PDKPREP) - the goal of this work is for PhoeniX to be able to offer a complete design kit for the 3µm SOI platform that can support the full design workflow starting from layout simulation to tapeout

Project leader Mikko Harjanne
Project start August 2015
Project duration 2.5 months