ROBA Laboratorium B.V.

Company details

Company name ROBA Laboratorium B.V.
Company type Small Enterprise (less than 50 employees and revenues less than 10 MEUR)
Industry sector Others
Activity description

RobaLab is an independent laboratory offering microbiological, nematological and chemical analysis services to mainly (arable) farmers and horticulturists.

Company website

Project information

Technology platform TP-1: Free-space photonic components and systems
Application domain Agrifood
Project scope

To explore the feasibility of an automated vision system which can scan a prepared sample entirely (qualification) and zoom in specifically (classification), and which is suitable for image recognition techniques, possibly using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Project leader Dr. Ir. Peter Harmsma (TNO)
Project start November 2021
Project duration 5 months