Specto Srl

Company details

Company name Specto Srl
Company type Micro Enterprise (less than 10 employees and revenues less than 2 MEUR)
Industry sector Photonics General
Activity description

Specto Photonics is a deep tech Italian-based company established in 2019.  Spectō develops, manufactures and commercializes the next-generation miniaturized Brillouin spectrometers. This technology enables to optically retrieve mechanical viscoelastic information of both organic and inorganic materials, without the need of contact or label. This fundamental data is so far inaccessible through conventional technology.

Project information

Technology platform TP-7: Si3N4 and SiO2 passive waveguide technologies
Application domain Industry 4.0
Project scope

Feasibility study for the development of a photonic integrated circuit for next-generation spectroscopy devices.

ACTPHAST Partners TU/e
Project leader Dr. Ir. Katarzyna Ławniczuk
Project start September 2020
Project duration 3 months