Sunpartner Technologies SAS

Company details

Company name Sunpartner Technologies SAS
Company type Medium Enterprise (less than 250 employees and revenues less than 50 MEUR)
Industry sector Energy
Activity description

Sunpartner Technologies develops and integrates innovative and invisible photovoltaic solutions, dedicated to the markets of consumer electronics (wearable, mobile, connected objects), buildings (Smart Cities) and transportation (automotive, aviation, boating). Founded in 2008, the company located in the south of France now has 85 employees, a significant patent portfolio and has raised over €70 million since its creation.

Project information

Technology platform TP-3: Polymer-based components and large area organic photonics
Application domain Smart Cities & Smart Living
Project scope

UV embossing tooling and process development specific to energy harvesting solutions for wearable technology.

Project leader Jürgen Mohr
Project start May 2018
Project duration 5 months