Tympany Medical

Company details

Company name Tympany Medical
Company type Micro Enterprise (less than 10 employees and revenues less than 2 MEUR)
Industry sector Medical
Activity description

Tympany Medical is an award-winning company focused on endoscopy for ear, nose and throat (ENT). They are developing a next-generation endoscope for minimally invasive ENT procedures that enhances the capabilities of the surgeon by providing panoramic vision and self-cleaning functionalities. The company is a spin-out from University of Galway in Ireland and prior to spinning out, was initially supported to develop its first demonstrator through ACTPHAST For Researchers (ACTPHAST4R).

Company website https://tympanymedical.com/

Project information

Technology platform TP-1: Free-space photonic components and systems
Application domain Biomedical
Project scope

The development of “MODULES” – Miniature rOtating DUal-channel Lightguide for Endoscopic Surgery.

Project leader Prof. Dr Ir. Ing. Michael Vervaeke (VUB)
Project start March 2022
Project duration 9 months