Wines of Crete

Company details

Company name Wines of Crete
Company type Medium Enterprise (less than 250 employees and revenues less than 50 MEUR)
Industry sector Environment
Activity description

“Wines of Crete” is a Winemakers’ Association, a cluster (non-profit organization) that functions since 2006 and represents more than 95% of Cretan wineries. The association has 24 members representing a combined total of approximately 250 employees. The association is a not-for-profit company that legally represents its members.

Project information

Technology platform TP-2: Glass and Polymer Speciality Fibers & Fiber Devices
Application domain Agrifood
Project scope

Design and development of an optical fiber sensor to evaluate the condition of the oak barrel in terms of its level of moisture and corresponding release of compounds in its content.

Project leader Dr. Maria Konstantaki
Project start September 2020
Project duration 6 months