Settels Savenije

Company details

Company name Settels Savenije Van Amelsvoort b.v.
Company type Medium Enterprise (less than 250 employees and revenues less than 50 MEUR)
Industry sector Production Technology
Activity description

Settels Savenije is a group of companies where high level technology is combined with a passion for people. For our OEM customer base, we invent, design, industrialise, manufacture, assemble and test high tech products, modules, tools and equipment.

Company website

Project information

Project Phase Contract Phase
Technology platform TP-6: InP-based Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) or Chips
Application domain Smart Cities & Smart Living
Project scope

Development of an interferometric displacement measurement system based on integrated photonics.

ACTPHAST Partners SPH, TNO, TU/e, Tyndall-UCC, VUB
Project leader Dr. Ir. Peter Harmsma (TNO)
Project start April 2016
Project duration 9 months